Source code for blobs

import numpy as np
import munkres

import pt_config

# Configuration constants.  Change these in pt_config
BLOB_LIFE = pt_config.BLOB_LIFE              # life of blob in frames, if not seen 
EDGE_THRESHOLD = pt_config.EDGE_THRESHOLD         # border of image, in pixels, which is regarded as out-of-frame
DISTANCE_THRESHOLD = pt_config.DISTANCE_THRESHOLD     # distance threshold, in pixels. If blob is further than this from previous position, update is ignored
MOVE_LIMIT = pt_config.MOVE_LIMIT          # maximum velocity of the blob. If outside this limit, velocity is disabled
MATCH_DISTANCE = pt_config.MATCH_DISTANCE         # maximum distance between blobs in the Hungarian algorithm matching step

blob_id = 0

[docs]class VirtualBlob: """ Represents a single pedestrian blob. """ def __init__(self, x,y): """ Create a new blob at the given (x,y) co-ordinate (in pixels). Each blob has a unique ID number, and a random color (for visulisation) """ global blob_id self.x = x self.y = y self.dx = 0 self.dy = 0 = BLOB_LIFE self.got_updated = False self.color = (np.random.randint(0,255),np.random.randint(0,255),np.random.randint(0,255)) = blob_id blob_id = blob_id + 1
[docs] def update_location(self, x, y): """Update the current state of the blob to the new given position, if it is not too far away (<DISTANCE_THRESHOLD away) from the previous position""" if abs(x-self.x)<DISTANCE_THRESHOLD and abs(y-self.y)<DISTANCE_THRESHOLD: self.dx = 0.65*self.dx + 0.35*(x - self.x) self.dy = 0.65*self.dy + 0.35*(y - self.y) self.x = 0.6*self.x + 0.4*x self.y = 0.6*self.y + 0.4*y = BLOB_LIFE self.got_updated = True
[docs] def set_location(self, x, y): """Change the position of the blob _without_ any distance filtering or velocity calculation.""" self.x = x self.y = y
[docs] def move(self): """Apply the current estimated velocity to the blob; used when the blob is not observed in the scene""" if abs(self.dx) < MOVE_LIMIT and abs(self.dy) < MOVE_LIMIT: self.x += self.dx self.y += self.dy
[docs] def decay(self): """Age the blob by one unit. When life<=0, return True, else return False""" # update location using velocity # die a bit = - 1 return<=0
def __repr__(self): return "(%d, %d, %d, %d)" % (self.x, self.y, self.dx, self.dy)
[docs]class BlobTracker: """The tracker object, which keeps track of a collection of pedestrian blobs""" def __init__(self): """Initialise a new, empty tracker""" self.virtual_blobs = [] self.traces = {} self.frame = 0 self.is_inited=False
[docs] def init_blobs(self, blobs, fnum): """Initialise a set of blobs, from a list of initial (x,y) co-ordinates, in the format [(x,y), (x,y), ... ] """ # initialise virtual blobs to be blobs self.virtual_blobs = [] for blob in blobs: v = VirtualBlob(blob[0], blob[1]) self.virtual_blobs.append(v) self.traces[] = [(v.x, v.y, fnum)] self.is_inited = True #returns true is this blob is within the frame
[docs] def check_frame(self, blob, frame): """Given an (x,y) co-ordinated, check if that position is inside the central frame (i.e. is not inside the border region""" # Check Frame in_frame = False # left if blob[0]< frame[0]+EDGE_THRESHOLD: in_frame = True # right if blob[0]> frame[2]-EDGE_THRESHOLD: in_frame = True # top if blob[1]< frame[1]+EDGE_THRESHOLD: in_frame = True # bottom if blob[1]> frame[3]-EDGE_THRESHOLD: in_frame = True return in_frame
[docs] def track_blobs(self, blobs, frame, fnum): """Main update call. Takes a list of new, observed blob co-ordinates, a rectangular frame specifier of the form [left, bottom, right, top] and a frame number, and updates the positions of the virtual blobs.""" # initialise if not already done so if not self.is_inited: self.init_blobs(blobs, fnum) return # get max length of blob lists max_size = max(len(blobs), len(self.virtual_blobs)) distance_matrix = np.zeros((max_size, max_size)) for v in self.virtual_blobs: v.move() # compute distance matrix for i in range(max_size): if i>=len(blobs): distance_matrix[i,:] = 0 # no matching blob/virtual blob else: for j in range(max_size): if j>=len(self.virtual_blobs): distance_matrix[i,j] = 0 else: dx = blobs[i][0]-self.virtual_blobs[j].x dy = blobs[i][1]-self.virtual_blobs[j].y distance_matrix[i,j] = np.sqrt(dx**2 + dy**2) copy_distances = np.array(distance_matrix) m = munkres.Munkres() ot = m.compute(distance_matrix) rows = [t[1] for t in ot] # clear the update flag for v in self.virtual_blobs: v.got_updated = False # blobs on rows for i,matching_virtual in enumerate(rows): if i<len(blobs): blob = blobs[i] if matching_virtual<len(self.virtual_blobs): if copy_distances[i][matching_virtual]< MATCH_DISTANCE: self.virtual_blobs[matching_virtual].update_location(blob[0], blob[1]) elif self.check_frame(blob, frame): v = VirtualBlob(blob[0], blob[1]) self.virtual_blobs.append(v) self.traces[] = [(v.x, v.y, fnum)] else: # new baby blobs! spawn = False # left if blob[0]<frame[0]+EDGE_THRESHOLD: spawn = True # right if blob[0]>frame[2]-EDGE_THRESHOLD: spawn = True # top if blob[1]<frame[1]+EDGE_THRESHOLD: spawn = True # bottom if blob[1]>frame[3]-EDGE_THRESHOLD: spawn = True if spawn: v = VirtualBlob(blob[0], blob[1]) self.virtual_blobs.append(v) self.traces[] = [(v.x, v.y, fnum)] else: pass # deal with un-updated blobs graveyard = [] for v in self.virtual_blobs: if not v.got_updated: # move, and reduce life counter if v.decay(): #print "Virtual blob %s finally died." % v graveyard.append(v) # append trace of blob movement self.traces[].append((v.x, v.y, fnum)) # clean up the bodies for v in graveyard: self.virtual_blobs.remove(v)