Source code for generate_frames

 This code generates frames from CSV values that can be stiched together using FFMPEG 
 to animate pedestrian data.  This version produces an animation at 4x speed.

print "Importing..."

#  Please ensure the following dependencies are installed before use:
import pylab
import numpy as np
import itertools
import sys, getopt
import operator
import collections

drawing_by_frame = []

def generate_frames(argv):
[docs] # Some default values if nothing is provided in command line arguments. traces = 'bubble_pop_traces.csv' background = 'trails_480.png' # Get command line arguments. # -f specify a file name. This code expects csv files in the format PedestrianID, X, Y, FrameNum # -b specify a backgroun image. Any format available to pylab is acceptable. try: opts,args = getopt.getopt(argv, "f:b:") except getopt.GetoptError: print "Getopt Error" exit(2) for opt, arg in opts: if opt == "-f": traces = arg elif opt == "-b": background = arg # Name each frame based on the filename figure_name = traces.split("/")[-1].split(".")[-2] # Load up csv file trace = np.loadtxt(traces, comments=';', delimiter=',') traces = itertools.groupby(trace, lambda x:x[0]) # These values should match those in w,h=640,360 border=20 # Some values from trail validation valid = 0 avg_length = 0 num_traces = 0 # Load up background image. background = pylab.imread(background) pylab.imshow(background) for id,t in traces: pts = np.array(list(t)) invalid = False # Validate Trails if (pts[0,1]>border and pts[0,1]<w-border) and (pts[0,2]>border and pts[0,2]<h-border): invalid = True if (pts[-1,1]>border and pts[-1,1]<w-border) and (pts[-1,2]>border and pts[-1,2]<h-border): invalid = True if len(pts) < 200: invalid = True if ((pts[0,2] > h-border) and (pts[0,1] > w/2-75 and pts[0,1] < w/2+75) or (pts[-1,2] > h-border) and (pts[-1,1] > w/2-75 and pts[-1,1] < w/2+75)): invalid = True # For all valid trails, prepare them for generating animated trails by frame number if not invalid: num_traces += 1 avg_length += len(pts) # Drawing colour for traces given as RGB colour = (0,0,1) for pt in pts: this_frame = [pt[3], pt[1], pt[2], pt[0]] drawing_by_frame.append(this_frame) valid += 1 x = np.clip(pts[:,1],0,w) y = np.clip(pts[:,2],0,h) print "Valid Trails: " , valid, " Average Length:" , avg_length/num_traces drawing_by_frame.sort() last_frame = drawing_by_frame[-1][0] current_frame = drawing_by_frame[0][0] drawing_dict = collections.defaultdict(list) count = 0 while len(drawing_by_frame) > 0: #print "Next Frame, " , current_frame pylab.imshow(background) while drawing_by_frame[0][0] == current_frame: list_one = drawing_by_frame.pop(0) x = drawing_dict[list_one[3]] x.append([list_one[1], list_one[2]]) drawing_dict[list_one[3]] = x # Adjust mod value here to adjust frame drawing frequency # Draw stuff here if (current_frame % 10 ==0): print "Percentage Complete: " , (current_frame/last_frame)*100 draw_dict(drawing_dict, w, h, border, figure_name, current_frame, count) count += 1 pylab.clf() current_frame = drawing_by_frame[0][0] def draw_dict(dict, w, h, border, figure_name, frame, count):
[docs] for trace in dict: print trace pts = dict[trace] pylab.plot([p[0] for p in pts], [p[1] for p in pts],'-',color=(0,0,1),alpha=0.5, linewidth=2) pylab.xlim(0,w) pylab.ylim(h,0) pylab.axis('off') pylab.subplots_adjust(0,0,1,1,0,0) pylab.savefig("Frames/" + figure_name + "_" + str(count).zfill(6) + '.png', dpi=150,bbox_inches='tight', pad_inches=0) #pylab.savefig("Frames/" + 'frame' + str(int(frame)) + '.png', dpi=150,bbox_inches='tight', pad_inches=0) if __name__ == "__main__":
print "Starting Frame Generation" generate_frames(sys.argv[1:])