Social Acceptability Survey

Consent to Participate
I am 16 years of age or older.

I agree to participate in this research.

This agreement is of my own free will.

I understand that I may refuse to provide answer to any questions and my end my participation at any time.

I have been given full information about this survey and the contact information for the researchers.

Please enter in the following optional form fields.
Male     Female

Country of Residence:
City or Town:
Years at this Location:
Mobile Phone Use
How often do you use a mobile phone?
     Every Day
     A Couple Times a Week
     A Couple Times a Month
     Hardly Ever
What capabilities does your phone have?
     Phone Calls
     Texting or Instant Messaging
     Web Browsing or Email
     Music Player
What is your most common activity on a mobile phone?
     Phone Calls
     Texting or Instant Messaging
     Web Browsing or Email
     Music Player